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    Spinach Nathan Mala Nyambari Kimabu County By Laban Robert edited2

    In avoiding market middlemen, who eat into the profits, one Kiambu County spinach farmer is making more money from searching and delivering the vegetable on his own to the Nairobi City market.
    Nathan Mala makes about Sh500 more from a sack of 50kg after delivering the spinach to specific Nairobi city groceries.
    Middlemen go round farms in his locality of Nyambari, which is along the Nairobi Nakuru Highway collecting vegetables for sale to Nairobi, Mombasa and other major towns.
    A sack of spinach weighing 50kg is bought at between Sh1,300 and Sh1,500, depending on the supply that day.
    But for Mala, the spinach is bound into bundles, earning at least Sh2,000.
    “Breaking it down into bundles enables me to sell it to various customers according to their desires. From one sack, I get 200 bundles, which fetch Sh100 each. Even after spending about Sh100 on each sack in transportation, I have a bigger margin of profits than those who sell to brokers,” he said.
    From the more than 500 spinach plants, the farmers harvests at least three sacks after 10 days despite the dry spell that has spanning for more than three months.

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    The farm is connected to the Kiambu County water, which he uses for irrigation.
    The ne acre piece of land is majorly covered by the spinach, a few sticks of kales-also known as sukuma wiki-, as well as an 8m by 30m green house.

    The greenhouse currently hosts tomatoes.

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    Chacha Rioba.jpg

    Seven years ago, James Rioba Chacha bought a young female Borana cow from Olgorian, Masai Mara at KSh 8000. He raised it but it died seven months after giving birth to a female calf. Somewhat discouraged to have lost his money, Chacha raised the calf as his only hope.

    Today the young calf has grown into a big and healthy cow giving birth to many calves.

    When Farmbiz Africa visited him early August this year at his home in Kuria West Isebania division, Chacha was busy attending to his cow which had just given birth for the twelfth time.

    The cow he named Safina is always given special treatment because to him it has brought hope. It is also the parent of his many animals he owns today.

    “When I bought her mother there was nothing promising out of it because it looked small and unhealthy but died and gave birth to a golden calf which has now given me full return of my money and bonuses,” said Chacha as he attends to his cow.

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    Currently Chacha is milking five cows besides Safina. He milks them twice a day each giving him two litres of milk translating to 12 liters of milk per day.

    He says this is not an easy work but being with three wives and children helps in milking and general labour.

    “I have allocated each house task as far as my farm management is concerned giving me chance for supervision and visiting experts for advice,” said Chacha.

    The increasing population in Sirare town in Kenya, Tanzania border provides rich market for Chacha’s milk and other farm produce. He sells a litre liter of milk at Sh60 making Sh720 daily and Sh5, 040 in one week.

    His mature bulls weighing between 300 to 445 kg are sold at Sh50, 000 during normal months and Sh75, 000 during festive months like December.

    In a year he sells at least a bull. This added with the money from milking the cows, gives him approximately Sh1.8 million per year.

    With the advice received from an agro firm called Nuru International, Isebania branch, Chacha is able to feed well his cows out of sweet potatoe vines, napier grass and maize sucks.

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    In the unforgiving coastal climate and land that returns poor yields is the story of a rooftop garden, barely the size of a standard kitchen, hosting over 1100 different plant, and returning Sh20, 000 a month.
    The story of proper planning, constant monitoring of the small farm and cascading design of the sack gardens is better told by Tabitha Mwiwawi, the owner, and an interior designer who has borrowed lessons from his trade to perfect the art of urban farming in a land of scarcity.
    Tabitha who comes from Chuda in Mombasa uses water from her borehole during dry season to water her garden. This makes her production and supply consistent throughout the year.
    In her rooftop balcony a cocktail of hanging gardens and neatly cut bottles co-exist as they enjoy the cool coastal breeze. In this miniature farm, sukumawiki, spinach, cowpeas, dania , onions, cabbages, brinjals and pepper among other crops feeds Tabitha in what she has dedicated her life to doing.

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    They used water bottles neatly arranged are filled with charcoal dust, manure and soil and they serve as seed beds. Once seeds sprout they are transferred to the black plastic bags that serve as their growing medium until they are ripe for harvest.

    “Very many farmers at the coastal region have tried to grow various crops but the harsh weather and poor soils have disappointed. But people must eat. So what do we do? We have to get creative and beat the tough conditions. It is what I have chosen to do, and I am living proof that you can farm anywhere,” said Tabitha.

    The many crops in her rooftop gardens means that she can alternate planting and eventually harvesting them, giving her a steady income throughout the year. With an initial investment of Sh10,000 three years ago, Tabitha now earns on average Sh20,000 each month from the sale of the produce to her neighbours. This is enough for her since she also consumes part of what she grows meaning she cuts down on food budget, and because she does this farming as a part time job.

    “However it doesn’t look as rosy as it might sound. A lot of work goes into tending and taking care of the crops. For starters I wake up very early to ensure the garden is watered. Considering this is horticulture, I also have to be sensitive about what fertilizers and chemicals I use so I have to keep constant watch. I prefer foliar fertilizer. Then there is the weeding which plays a key role in determining the amount of yield I will get,” she said.

    Her farming especially in an area farmers have given up on farming is a rubberstamp to a gospel being advanced by policy and research institutions on the way forward in food production. According to institutions like Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa AGRA, and FAO, unprecedented population explosion is putting a strain on food production. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that arable land is dwindling as it gets replaced by housing developments and as it competes with the exploration of natural resources. The solution, the institutions insist, is in tapping small portions of land to produce more. Miniature gardens like Tabitha’s it is argued, can feed dozens of people comfortably.

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